We're headed for Laos in a few months and Luang Prabang is high on our list. But I'm starting to worry that everything is going to be overrun with, well, tourists. Which of course, we are. It's a dilemma. As for those falls, I think I'd rather find something less perfect but that isn't mobbed by white vans.

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Here's the thing... It didn't feel overrun in town, just walking around during the day. Watching the sunset at Phousi Hill is a no go. That's overrun. But there's a space above the night market where you can still see the sunset and it's a small fraction of the crowd at the top.

I would still go to Kuang Si. Maybe you could try getting there right at 8am. Here's another tip... You can apparently hike to the source. We missed it because I wasn't feeling well and we didn't notice the route until we were leaving. But we chatted with someone who did do the hike to the source (not long) and they said you could swim and there was hardly anyone around. Just typing it out makes me regret we didn't make it up there.

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Thanks for both tips! I'm an early bird, so I could definitely get there early depending on just how far away it is.

It's such a conundrum and makes me a hypocrite that I want to see beautiful things but not stuff that has been ruined by tourists -- tourists just like me.

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